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Thought for the week Spring 2024


What makes you feel out of your comfort zone? How do you feel when you’ve stepped out of your comfort zone?






Year 4



Think about the times you have made a mistake/error. What did you do about it?






In Kingfishers we had a circle time where we went around and said something that we had done wrong in the past and how we fixed it to ensure it did not become a mistake. We then came up with ideas that as a class we will use to ensure our errors in class do not become mistakes. 


What makes you feel out
of your comfort zone? How
do you feel when you’ve
stepped out of your
comfort zone?




In worship this week we have been thinking about our thought for the week ‘Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.’ Flamingo Class thought carefully about how they have been encouraging and enthusiastic towards others in the past and what things they could also do in the future to help others achieve. We did a little experiment…Alarna had to complete 20 star jumps while the rest of us all sat quietly with straight faces. She found the 20 star jumps quite hard to achieve. We then tried giving Alarna some encouragement and enthusiasm to complete the 20 star jumps again, this time it was not only easier to achieve but it was also more fun! 


How might other people (or God) encourage us when we are scared?






In Year 3, we discussed what courage is and how it can be difficult to show courage.

We reflected on the story of Joshua and how he needed courage to lead once Moses was no longer able to. We ended our worship by writing one piece of advice to help others overcome fear/worry, helping us to be more courageous.


Think about a time when you had a choice to make. What was the easy option and what was the right option?






In our Thought of the Week worship, we looked at this image and discussed that sometimes we feel like it is easiest to walk away from a situation, but doing the right thing makes us feel better in the end. We talked about finding an adult, saying sorry, and helping to clear up the mess.

We then drew what the right thing to do is. Here are some of our responses:



How can you show love to
someone else?







This week children have been practising loving God and loving others. They showed this by making a lovable being and thinking of ways to show and share their love.




How do we show love for
others? (British value of






Year 1 explored the theme 'be the change you want to see in the world'.

They watched a video about Dr Martin Luther King Jn and what he did to make a change to many, many people's lives.  They discussed what courage meant.  The children discussed why Dr Martin Luther King Jn is such an important figure in our history.